@article{109951, keywords = {Water, Dispersion, Kinetics, aggregation, cracking, graphene, Diffusion Limited Aggregation (DLA), Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), aromatic-hydrocarbons, zsm-5 zeolites, glycerol purification, catalytic, acid catalysts, acrolein, dehydration, conversion, hydrogenation, Engineering}, author = {M. Alifierakis and K. S. Sallah and I.A. Aksay and J. H. Prevost}, title = {Reversible Cluster Aggregation and Growth Model for Graphene Suspensions}, abstract = { We present a reversible cluster aggregation model for 2-D macromolecules represented by line segments in 2-D; and, we use it to describe the aggregation process of functionalized graphene particles in an aqueous SDS surfactant solution. The model produces clusters with similar sizes and structures as a function of SDS concentration in agreement with experiments and predicts the existence of a critical surfactant concentration (C-crit) beyond which thermodynamically stable graphene suspensions form. Around C-crit, particles form dense clusters rapidly and sediment. At C \<\< C-crit, a contiguous ramified network of graphene gel forms which also densifies, but at a slower rate, and sediments with time. The deaggregation-reaggregation mechanism of our model captures the restructuring of the large aggregates towards a graphite-like structure for the low SDS concentrations. (C) 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers }, year = {2017}, journal = {AIChE Journal}, volume = {63}, number = {12}, pages = {5462-5473}, month = {12/2017}, isbn = {0001-1541}, language = {English}, }